Railway Museum at Steph’s Work



The wonderful Steph graciously allowed me to stay with her in Sydney for the remaining few days I had in Australia.  Her work was situated in the former locomotive works for Sydney.



There were lots of large, interesting machines such as this in the converted locomotive sheds.  All of these machines were in use up until the facility shut down.  It’s quite the amazing place to wander around inside.



Most of the machines appear to be in functional condition.  Connect them to a power source and they’d be ready to rock.





There were a lot of large, impressive manual machines used to build and maintain locomotives.




A fixed crane out in the former rail yard.


A locomotive that was rigged up with a steam crane.
And with that, I boarded a plane for America.  Back in the states, I picked up my motorcycle from my parents house and went on the POPCORN ride with Emily.  What an adventure these last four months were!




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