Jesi and Brent Getting Married

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Heather and I went to Jesi and Brent’s wedding in beautiful Bend, Oregon.



We found an octopus on the cover of the local weekly magazine.


Outside our hotel room the Deschutes River ran by.


Looking downriver in the mill district.




Getting ready to head to the wedding.  I was the officiant for the ceremony.  The text of the welcome, introduction, and reading is at the bottom of this post.
end photos





After the wedding we went out into the falling snow for a photo together.  Jesi and Brent’s wedding photos are absolutely stunning thanks to the snow.



Lots of snow on our rental car in the parking lot at Tetherow.



The next morning we headed over the pass to Eugene to catch our flight back to Colorado.



This is the text of the welcome, introduction, and reading that I gave at Jesi and Brent’s wedding in my capacity as the officiant:


We are gathered together here today to celebrate the relationship of Jesi and Brent, and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with one another.  Together we are a group of the most important people in their lives.  They have brought us here today to publically recognize that we have all played special, significant parts in the love that they share today.

Jesi and Brent wanted me to thank you all for being here and to recognize how important each and every one of you are to their relationship.  They would also like to recognize all of those who couldn’t make it here today as they are certainly missed but not forgotten on this day of celebration.

I was asked to share with you the story of how Jesi and Brent met, and fell in love.  Many years ago when Jesi was advancing through the PADI SCUBA diving courses and Brent was a divemaster, they first met on a boat off the shore of Catalina in California.  It was a momentous occasion.  When Brent returned home, he told me that he had met someone special.  Brent was excited in a way that I had never seen before.  For those of you who know Brent, this was definitely abnormal behavior!

Shortly thereafter, Jesi and Brent became inseparable.  Even with the distance between Corvallis and Los Angeles between them, their commitment to one another did not waiver.  It was at this point that I realized how serious Jesi was in her commitment to Brent.  While working on a large dam renovation project in the Angeles Mountains, Jesi went to Forever 21 and bought a sun dress to wear when Brent came down to visit her.  For those of you who know Jesi, this was definitely not normal!

Over the years, Jesi and Brent have continued to surprise us all in their deep love, affection, and commitment to one another.  There is no better person for Jesi than Brent and there is no better person for Brent than Jesi.  Together they are better people.  Together they are stronger people.  And together they are the people that we all love.

And now a reading inspired by the PADI Open Water Manual:

To ensure that you and your buddy are ready for your dive, that you are familiar with each other’s equipment, and that everything is functioning correctly, you must remember the BWRAF acronym.

B is for Buoyancy/BCD.  Use the inflation button when you are mad at one another in order to keep your heads above water and use the deflation button relax tense situations.

W is for Weight.  Carry the weight of the relationship when the other is unable but share the load when you can.

R is for Release.  Always make time for releasing the tension of the day, sharing a laugh and a drink, and relaxing together by the fireplace.

A is for Air.  Don’t forget to breath and have fun.  Laugh with the full tank of air that you share together.

F is for Final Check.  Gaze into one another’s eyes deeply and check your souls.  This is the real deal.  You are about to embark upon the next phase of a life-long journey together as a married couple.

Now signal to one another, and to your assembled family and friends your commitment to always be each other’s buddies throughout life, to be there when a regulator free-flows at depth, to help one another don and doff gear, and to love one another whether you are below the waves, on the beach, or up in the clouds.

(Bride and Groom give the “OKAY” signal to each other and then to guests)

At this time Brent and Jesi will share the vows they have written.

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