Kings Valley and Lewisburg Saddle

From my house to Jaime’s house to pick her up.  We went out Highway 20 to the Highway 223 (Kings Valley Highway) turn.  Jaime’s bike can only go a maximum of 55mph which makes it interesting to drive on the main highways.  Highway 223 had about 10 miles of loose chip gravel on the road surface as they were repaving it.  It was a rather miserable part of the ride.  We turned right at one point where the road takes a sharp left to stay on the main highway.  Out in the country, we tried taking several different roads to connect over to Sulfur Springs Road and Lewisberg Saddle but each ended in gravel which we didn’t want to try.  We ended up going out to 99W and down to the road past the garbage dump.  We took it and went out Sulfur Springs Road and over Lewisburg Saddle.  Then we road back into Corvallis via Highland.

65 miles total.

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