Hello WordPress 2.7

I took the plunge and upgraded to WordPress 2.7.  So far, so good.  Nothing seems to be particularly broken.  The administrative interface is very different from the last version but I’m getting used to it.  It feels like some information takes more clicking to get to.  I also don’t like the new color scheme.  It’s very gray.

Soon the theme I use, Tarski, should be putting out a new version that will take full advantage of WordPress’ new features.  Once December hits and I have a few free days, I will be coding up a few templates and plugins for the site to make it a tad bit prettier, too.

My final concluision: 2.7 is a Good Thing.  I will be much happier though when it’s out of beta.

2 Replies to “Hello WordPress 2.7”

  1. Ah, thanks. Was trying to figure out if the current version of Tarski worked with 2.7 or not. The Tarski site wasn't very forthcoming.

    Amazingly, you have also answered my WPG2 question for me. In fact, our sites look disturbingly similar. All you are missing is an integrated MediaWiki. 😉

  2. Our sites do look eerily similar! Which G2 theme are you using (and what settings are you using) to get that nice integration with WP?

    If you don't mind using alpha code, Tarski has an alpha version for 2.7. I haven't tried it yet as most of the functionality I care about is already in Tarski. In a few days they will probably release the final Tarski 2.4 to coincide with the official launch of WP2.7.

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