Well that was interesting

This afternoon, Brent and I went down to Eugene Skin Divers Supply to return three tanks that I wasn’t able to use last weekend due to the bad weather at the coast. They were very nice about it and gave me a credit toward renting my next set of tanks or buying tanks. With the crazy good deal they have on steel high pressure 100’s, I decided to go ahead and buy two brand new tanks. About 600 bucks later, I had two very nice fully NITROX-ready tanks.

Of course now I won’t be able to afford buying anything outside of raw necessities for the next several months. But, hey, I saved at least $100 compared to buying those tanks at normal prices. I’ve had my eye on them for a good six months already. Finally took the plunge and now I am quite happy with the results.

Just after I finished paying for the tanks, two maintenance men come in who are working on the big air compressors in the back and say that someone’s Ford Taurus just got broken into. I think to myself… “hmm… I wonder who else has a Taurus here at the shop today?” The answer was no one.

Someone had smashed in the front driver’s window and made off with Brent’s cheap MP3 player. It was sitting in the center console which must have made it a good target. Nothing else was touched, however. My mom’s nice camera was still safely in the back seat. Brent’s couple thousand bucks worth of SCUBA gear was sitting in it’s box in the back seat. All of my insurance papers and other such important documents were still in place. Literally the only two things that had been touched were the window and his MP3 player.

The guys in the shop were really nice and helped us clean up the glass and fashion a temporary window out of some hard plastic form one of their displays. We taped it all up and took off back to Corvallis. The insurance company told me not to bother filing a police report since nothing of particular value had been taken. In total, it will cost me $100 worth of deductible and however much of my time to get the window replaced.

To help pay for the deductible, I am going to sell some extra SCUBA weight that I have kicking around. If you happen to be in the market, let me know. I’m selling it for $4.50/lb and have all hard weights.

The take-away from today is: don’t leave shit that looks like it might be worth stealing in your car in the neighborhood of Van Buren and 6th Street in Eugene. Car break-ins do happen!




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