A Pacific Coast on the Pacific Coast for the first time

On Wednesday I rode my motorcycle up to Newberg to check on the llamas and stay the night at my parents place. Rather than go up the normal route along 99W I decided to take the scenic coast highway. It just so happens that the motorcycle is named after the highway. Yes, I was riding a Pacific Coast on the Pacific Coast.

I went 146 miles total. I bought gas in Lincoln City. I had gone 138.4 miles on the last tank. The bike took 2.611 gallons and the gas gage was showing empty. The bike holds a total of about 4 gallons so I still had more than a gallon in reserve. It’s nice to have that sort of safety margin. Mileage on the last tank was 53mpg. However this was on a tank of premium. This time I decided to switch to regular to see how the bike runs. The manual says it should be only fed regular. I’ll report back in a few weeks about how the regular works and what mileage I get.

Coming back into the valley after the balmy sunny 60 degree coast I nearly froze to death in the low-hanging wet, dark fog. It was very nice to get to my parents place and thaw out.

Route Map

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