Motorcycle Rain Dance

Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure to ride my motorcycle in the rain for the very first time. After putting on two layers of undergarments to keep me warm, my riding gear, a layer of goretex rain gear, and a layer of plastic rain gear I mounted my bike in a downpour. It was touch and go heading down my parents steep and twisty driveway. On the highway I ran into a big traffic jam going into Dundee. I stalled my bike about halfway through it but it fired right back up again. The clutch was being a bit touchy. Perhaps that’s the benefit of premium gasoline?

I discovered that I can keep my visor from fogging if I leave it open one click to allow air (and rain) to flow along the inside. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to see on the way down. Even with my visor clear, it was still difficult with all the fog and water flying everywhere. When I got to Corvallis I was very happy to be off the bike but also a little sad. It was fun riding in the rain!

Route Map

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