The way to work

The street that I live on in Ultimo.  Most housing that I’ve seen in the inner Sydney area is comprised of little two and three story buildings that are pressed up against each other.  I live in an apartment building which makes it unique compared to the other buildings nearby.  Everything else (like in the left side of this photo) is more townhouse style.

Heading down the hill toward one of the main roads and toward the University of Sydney.

In the mornings when I walk to work, I don’t see many other people.  It seems most don’t emerge from their houses until after about 9am.  I like to be out and about a little before 8am.  The sun rises at 6 or 6:30am so there is no reason not to be enjoying it.  Especially since it sets at 5pm!

Looking at Victoria Park across the highway from close to my office.  It’s a great green park to stroll through.

My office is just around the corner to the right.  Notice what side people are driving on?  Yeah, the wrong side.

Walking back home to Ultimo.  Downtown Sydney is where the skyscrapers are located.  Chinatown is in between me and downtown.

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