Wandering Around Vancouver

On our first day in Canada we found the Church of Scientology not very far away from our hotel.  We thought about going inside for one of their sweet free personality tests but then decided against it.  Maybe next time!

Vancouver’s power distribution network in the downtown area is undeniably quaint and cute.

Some cool alley art that is official and sanctioned.

The famous steam clock.  This and the rotating restaurant are about the only two things I remember from the last time I was in Vancouver.

This is a video if it sounding off at 5pm.

No, it isn’t a branch of the Rogue Brewery.  We were very hopeful though.

The port terminal facilities near the conference centre.

Floating gas station!

Sarah walking down alongside the World Trade Centre and hotel/convention centre on the east side of Canada Place.

Float plane doing its thing.

Canada, eh!

Float planes all docked.

The Olympic Torch.

Lots of high rise construction is going on in Vancouver.

The rotating restaurant!

An absolutely insane bookshop near our hotel.

There was no way you could ever find a specific book in that place.

Wandering through Chinatown was pretty sketchy.  Lots of drug deals going down on the outskirts.  All of the dried dead fish didn’t smell so great either.  I give it a 5/10 on the Awesome Chinatown scale.

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