Why I can’t use IntenseDebate

I would love to use IntenseDebate on my WordPress powered website.  However, IntenseDebate does not respect post visibility settings.  Once in October 2009 and again in March 2011, I emailed IntenseDebate support about the problem.  Each time the question was courteously answered in a very prompt manner.  Sadly, it appears that they have no plans to implement post visibility setting compliance.

The reason I care about post visibility with regards to comments is that I have many old posts from my early blogging days with lots of comments that I don’t want publicly available for various reasons.  I’ve set them to private for a reason.  IntenseDebate does not respect that privacy and will copy over ALL current comments to their system, thus making them accessible to anyone.  The only way to not have those comments be visible is to completely remove them from my WordPress install.  That’s not an option for me.  I HATE losing data for any reason.  It’s too bad.  IntenseDebate looks like a very good addition to any blog.

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