USS Hornet

Several reserve fleet ships next to the USS Hornet.

The USS Hornet nestled in between the reserve fleet.

Into the guts of the ship!

The anchor chains.

An intercom.

A diesel backup generator.

Ship communications.


Levers and knobs.




Endless corridors.

Replica marine rifles.




An Apollo Capsule mock-up pushed into a corner of the flight deck.



The trailer where astronauts used to hang out for a month after they came back from space.


Sean and I at the back of the boat with San Francisco in the background.

This boat was very effective.

In the engine room.  Or more precisely, one of the engine rooms.



A part of the ship reserved for Marines.

Pressure vessels for the catapult.

Out on the flight deck.


Looks like a MIG knock-0ff.



Next time I hope to make it up to the bridge.

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