End of Summer XS850 Ride

Today I took the XS850 out for a spin around the byways south of Corvallis.  It was a beautiful day for a ride.  Along the way I stopped to take a few photos of the bike.  Some friends have been asking for some better pictures of this new addition to my stable.  Friends: here are the pictures you’ve been waiting for 🙂

I tried a different mounting location on today’s ride. With the GoPro Hero Head Mount, you can strap the camera to your leg!

Dark clouds over the dark bike but blue sky everywhere else.  I think that is an apt metaphor for the XS850.


Later on my ride I stopped along the road south of Peoria.  The grass is amazingly green this time of year.  I think that is all winter wheat growing behind my bike.


What a wonderful three cylinder engine!

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