Crater Lake in the Snow


Welcome to Crater Lake National Park!  In the winter when the snowpack is thick, park entry is free.


The road was mostly snow and ice-free (with a few notable exceptions) but there was quite a bit of snow piled up on all sides.


Heather enjoyed driving her Audi through the winter wonderland.


Crater Lake in all its winter glory.  This is the first time I ever went to the lake in the winter.  The last time I visited was sometime in middle school or early high school.


The restrooms were still open via a crazy steel tunnel.


Inside the tunnel.  This contraption allows access to the restrooms even in the deepest of snow.

IMG_5822The building door is sighted!


It was a wee bit chilly up on the rim.  We didn’t have our snow survival gear with us but we did have a few layers and some warm hats.


Wizard Island.  In the summer, you can ride a boat out to the island and walk to the summit.


The snack and gift shop lodge under the snow.  Surprisingly, it was actually open and staffed.


The Crater Lake Lodge boarded up for the winter.  Only a couple of maintenance people go inside off-season.  The right portion of the photo looks south toward Klamath Lake and Klamath Falls.


Lots of snow piled up around the lodge.


Heather sitting at the edge of forever.


It was very difficult to keep my eyes open for this photo.


Heather’s car was getting pretty dirty from all of the winter road grime.

STA_5891-STG_5897What a beautiful lake!


In spite of the snow, the gift shop and cafe was open.

IMG_5931It was a good thing because we were cold and wanted something warm to drink!


Another long snow tunnel leading to the front door.


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