Riding the Pacific Coast to Colorado


In order to move my Honda Pacific Coast to Colorado, I decided to ride it east.  From Oregon this is a 1337 mile ride direct on the fastest route.  This is no easy undertaking.


I loaded my bike up at Heather’s house and strapped everything down early in the morning.


Bye Corvallis!


I stopped at my parent’s house to get the mail.


Out in the Columbia Gorge getting gas.


In La Grande getting gas and food.


In Boise getting gas.


In Burley getting gas.  I decided to stay the night in the Best Western in Burley rather than continuing to try and get an Iron Butt SaddleSore.  Next time I’ll push to 1000 miles in a single day.  Instead I did about 750 miles in a day this time.


Getting gas near Salt Lake City.

Lots of bugs!


In Wyoming getting gas.


Stopped for lunch in Wyoming.


Fueling up near the interstate in Wyoming.  Clouds on the horizon to the east.


I was forced into getting gas at this station that had E85 fuel.  It really damaged my carbs.  As of posting this I still haven’t finished cleaning my carbs out.


Near Boulder, Colorado.  Big storms were just starting to roll into the state that punished Colorado for the next several weeks and led to historic flooding.

IMG_1607I made it all the way to Golden before the heavens opened and I was dumped on.  I have never ridden through such heavy rain and hope to never ride through such heavy rain again.  I made it all the way to Colorado!


4 Replies to “Riding the Pacific Coast to Colorado”

  1. Nice photo blog of the trip. I am in the process of fabricating some sort of luggage rack for my top box and seeing your rack makes me angry once again at that Ucranian company that used to fabricate them. I don’t know how it feels to ride on a heavy rain but for me a ride in a mild rain in-town is quite enjoyable… except the wet pants.

    Thumbs up!

    1. Thanks Octavia!

      Did MMotoparts stop producing racks? I’ve been extremely pleased with mine.

      This was torrential downpour rain. There was a sheet of six inches of water running across the freeway like a river. I have never been in heavier rain before. I never want to ride in rain like that again!



    1. Hi Kevin,

      I’ve used my Street Unit jacket since I got my first motorcycle a half dozen years ago. It has held up remarkably well and is my favorite jacket to ride in for most weather conditions. If it rains, it isn’t waterproof and I need to put a rain suit on but otherwise it is warm when I need it to be and cool when I need it to be. It also has a substantial amount of armor (I upgraded the back armor).



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