Exciting news! The Colorado School of Mines and the 3D Printing Store are now officially collaborating


Today was an exciting day here in the mechanical engineering department at the Colorado School of Mines.  We are now officially collaborating with The 3D Printing Store on a range of topics related to additive manufacturing.  Already we are working on putting together an additive manufacturing professional development short course for this summer and are working on several interesting research initiatives.  The sky is the limit with this relationship.


Above is a photo of today’s signing ceremony in the new College of Engineering and Computation Sciences Design Lab.  From left to right, the people in the photo are: John Steuben (grad student), Erik Charrier (grad student), Cameron Turner (CSM faculty), Kevin Moore (CSM Dean), Jered Dean (CSM faculty), Debra Wilcox (3D Printing Store), Douglas L. Van Bossuyt (CSM Faculty), Kenton Kuhn (3D Printing Store), Daniel Anderson (grad student), Nathan Pickle (grad student).

IMG_3346Debra Wilcox from the 3D Printing Store discussing some of the challenges of industry with Kevin Moore, the dean of the College of Engineering and Computation Sciences.


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