Getting Closer with the Honda Pacific Coast PC800 Fuel Injection Tuning

I spent some time today on my Honda PC800 fuel injection conversion project.  I am getting the tune file together so that I am ready to take the bike to a dyno for final tuning.  The biggest things that I still need to address are 1) tidy up the wires, 2) adjust the TPS sensor so that it can sense low throttle positions, 3) finish up the primary tune, 3) figure out the enrichment settings for startup/warmup and acceleration.


I’m going to try setting up a very old NetBook running Ubuntu with TunerStudio so that I can have the ability to modify my tune while I’m out and riding.  Also that will allow me to more easily log data.  At some point I’ll probably get the BlueTooth wireless adapter to be able to log data with my phone while I ride.


Slowly but surely my bike is coming along!  By summer, I think I’ll be out and riding again.


2 Replies to “Getting Closer with the Honda Pacific Coast PC800 Fuel Injection Tuning”

  1. Incredible Uncle Doug. That is so awesome man. Yep, can’t wait to see how this fantastic journey turns out. LOL, makes me wonder if some designers across the seas are wondering how this turns out too. The WongWing got injected. Thanks for the travels through your eyes man. Totally enjoying learning about new places mining, parades and sculptures in the snow.

    1. Ting! Long time no talk! How is your bike these days? Now that I have a Ukrainian rear rack, my dreams of a genuine Wong Wing are gone. Maybe someday I’ll track down a lower spoiler. I’ve seen one in person ONCE and it wasn’t in good shape…

      After this fuel injection project wraps up, the next big project for my PC is probably going to be a rebuild of the front forks. I think the seals popped on my ride out to Colorado back in the fall of 2013. I got 20,000 miles out of the last fork rebuild. Probably I should stop piling everything I own plus the kitchen sink when I go for a ride 🙂

      Then after that I’ll finally build the auxiliary fuel tanks I’ve been planning for years. I’m thinking blow molding might be the way to go. Just blow mold the tanks directly into the trunk.



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