Spooky Night Run 2015


The 15th annual Spooky Night Run with the Rising Sun 4×4 Club was my first introduction to night 4x4ing and 4x4ing in some significant snow (aside from last spring).

This awesome land cruiser was decked out like the Ghost Busters station wagon!  Next year we’ll definitely dress up our 4runner.

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Rigs lining up and ready to go up the hill.  Surrounding us was all the old cemeteries of Central City.


He isn’t afraid of no ghost.


Bogie was rocking a cute costume.

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Most of the trucks lined up and airing down tires before heading up the hill.


Snowy, muddy road.



Beautiful moon rising in the east.


Up at the turnoff to the dinner spot.

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About half of the rigs at the dinner spot.


Someone even brought a fire pit!  We need to get one of those.


Heather prepping our contribution to the potluck.


Little carrot mummies and little hot dog men with bacon coats.



Rigs lined up in the night.


Heading up the first big hill after the dinner spot.  A 40 series had some troubles getting into 4wd.

IMG_2308We made it part way up to Yankee Hill before it became too icy to keep people on the road.  We ended up having to turn everyone around on the hill and get out of the way of the sheriff who was heading up to pick someone up who got stuck in the snow further up.  It took about an hour to get everyone pulled out (someone ahead of us had to be winched out) and turned around (I think we had 30 rigs total).  There was some delicate backing down the road that was involved.  The slush turned into a nice hard pack of ice with all of our trucks driving over it.

In spite of not making our goal, it was still a whole bunch of fun driving at night in the snow with the Rising Sun 4×4 Club!

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