Into Blue Canyon


Cresting over the shoulder of Kettle Dome, we were treated to amazing views of Tehipite Valley and big mountains in the distance.

IMG_2955Taking a break up on ridgeline.

IMG_2957We were really pumping out the sweat as we hiked.  My dad’s gloves soaked through.

STA_2944 - STJ_2953

One last view before heading down into the canyon.


Hiking down into Blue Canyon, we passed through an absolutely amazing grove of truly massive red fir and white fir.  It’s possible these are the biggest of each species in the world.  Neither my dad (a forester by training who worked for a decade in the Sierras) or I have seen bigger.


Just look at how big these trees are!  Incredible!  And they’re all very healthy.


A gorgeous hanging meadow down the trail toward the bottom of the canyon.

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