Maroon Bells

After spending the night in Aspen following our adventure on Richmond Hill the day before, we went out to Maroon Bells to check out the vista in the morning.  Some storm clouds were starting to pop up already even this early in the morning.  The night before the bells received a light dusting of snow.

We almost completely had the place to ourselves.  It doesn’t get much better than this for a location to air up tires on a truck.

While I was airing the tires up, I found some evidence of the adventure from the day before.  Chunks of wood were embedded in the front axle from where we drove over the top of fallen trees.

That’s a big chunk of wood lodged in the axle hanger!

This view is just to the west of the lake below the Maroon Bells but very few people ever bother to photograph it.  It’s just as pretty as the main attraction.

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