Little Cayman Diving Day 6

Getting ready for our final day of diving at Little Cayman. The dive boats they use at the Little Cayman Beach Resort are really nice and basically brand new.
The Nassau Groupers are really starting to congregate in advance of their annual spawning event.
It felt like an absolute storm of fish.
Fish blizzard!
Swimming through a little canyon between big mountains of coral.
A couple Nassau Groupers came through the storm of fish, getting ready for the mating frenzy that’s on the way.
Heading along a sand channel toward the Big Wall for one last view of the abyss before we head home.
Heading out into the blue from the reef. The transition to the coral heads out to the deep blue of the open ocean is absolutely extraordinary.
Heather up on the top of the reef looking for one or two last tiny things to take a photo of before we have to go on our surface interval for our flights home.
A barracuda came over to to say hello to us before we got out of the water for the last time on this trip to Little Cayman.

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