Otters at Breakwater

I’ve been playing around with Heather’s DSLR camera. There are a bunch of otters down at Breakwater most evenings eating snacks. Here are a few photos of some of those little cute water weasels.

Mom and pup.

Eating some snacks.

“Mooooom! Give me snacks!”

Chowing down on a sea urchin.

Looking around to see where the other otters are.

Cute otter on the move.
This little guy has been hanging out a lot at Breakwater. We think he’s and orphan. He’s a bit young for being out on his own.

Nomming on some tasty muscles.
Mom and pup eating some urchins together.
Just floating along having dinner.
“Mom, do you have any more urchins for me?”
“I’m going to steal this urchin off your tummy, mom!”
Here’s our little juvenile otter friend right up on the jetty rocks!
He really gets in close!
“Mom, is that food that you have? Can I have it?”
Two moms fighting over a pup. The pup went to the wrong mom and things got a little bit heated!
All is forgiven and everyone gets back to eating snacks pretty quickly.
Big hunk of barnacles being chowed down by an otter.
These are pretty big muscles for one otter to have broken off and brought to the surface!
Whacking the giant barnacles with her favorite rock.
“Stay away from my mommy!” Another pup tried to wrestle in on the pup’s territory.
Big hunk of muscles for dinner!

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