I laid down some sound deadening material from Noico in the truck recently. The cabs on these old 4runners are pretty noisy when the trucks are stock but when it’s built like mine is, there is a ton of road noise. While I originally had wanted to put down Dynamat, this Noico stuff worked just as well as Dynamat does. Interestingly, Noico is made in Russia. I have no idea how Russia is cost competitive with China but evidently it is.
Looking into the rear passenger area. I’m planning to build a storage system in the cargo area so I have not lined that area with sound deadening material.
Front drivers side.
Front passenger side. Hopefully this will help with some of the heat we get through the floorboards, too.
We took the truck for a spin around the area and found that road noise has been cut by about 30%. The next step is to put the sound deadening material in the door panels. Then I’ll consider doing the roof and maybe the hood. The firewall will have to wait until I have a good reason to take out the dash.