Editor’s note: I am preserving Leland Sheppard’s PC800-related content after his passing. This is one of his pages that I felt the PC800 community would want to have preserved. Leland may be on his final Iron Butt ride but he is not forgotten.
I made my prior one with the baggie glued directly to the pad and the suction cups glued to the baggie. The problem is if you mess up and pull too hard on the baggie opening it the small diameter of the suction cup attachment rips a hole in the baggie and then you have to make an entirely new unit. That is why I tried to make it with Velcro this time so the baggie is replaceable. The only glue I have found that reliably sticks to the suction cups and the baggie is Krazy Glue. Even epoxy made for plastic pulled right off.

I then punched 6 holes to allow the suction cups to poke through and attach to the Velcro and I did not think I could get a strong enough attachment to the rubber pad. The pad is cut to exactly the size of the baggie including the slider so the slider cannot touch the shelter.

Here is the pad with the Velcro installed. Do I really need this much Velcro? After installation I doubt it but I figured if I used 2 inch wide on the pad and 1 inch wide on the baggie I could lessen the strain on the baggie if I stuff several maps into it by loosening the edges and moving them in slightly. This gives me room to do it

Installed on the bike with a map folded up in it.