Longtime PCer Joe Smith made me aware of this handlebar glovebox that Neill Thompson (according to Tim Davies) at one time made (or maybe still makes?). It fits in between the handlebars on a Honda Pacific Coast PC800 motorcycle. It will fit any year of bike.
I am not sure if Neill is still making these or if there are only a few available but it sure looks like a neat little product for our beloved PCs! It would complement a pair of trunk liner bags like Athena used to make.

Thanks for the tip on the liner Uncle Doug. Mine started leaking, so drilled a tiny hole to allow the water to drain instead of sealing the lid with a piece of trim. And after all these years, still not leaking a single drop of oil on my drive and at 110,000 miles. Even though I have not ridden in a few months due to health issues….but one day….Thanks for the info.
Good to hear from you, Ting! Hopefully you can get back on your PC soon.
Wrong shape and size to fit the glove box. Maybe better hung between the handlebars?
You’re right! I misunderstood Jim’s original post on the FB group. This goes between the handlebars and not in the pocket. I’m going to edit the post.