Smokey day at Forked Meadow

There’s some smoke drifting into Forked Meadow I think from a fire to the south of us somewhere.

The meadows are really pretty. It’s remarkable seeing the difference between our meadows that are fenced in so the free range cows can’t eat them down and the USFS meadows where cows mow the grass down short.

I brought Sunny over to Forked Meadow to hang with me and Poofy. There’s a big fire just east of Monterey where a coworker lost her house already.

Fix for Honda Pacific Coast PC800 Choke Cable Failure

Here is a fix for the broken interface between the plastic threaded holder and the cable housing for your Honda Pacific Coast PC800 choke cable. You can use a bit of rubber fuel line or similar hose cut lengthwise and some hose clamps to repair the broken threaded holder well enough to keep riding for years to come.

Ben J. from the PC800 Facebook group came up with this great fix recently. The PC800 community has been working for a while to find a new supplier to produce these choke cables for our PC800s but the square pull end is hard to replicate. So until we figure out how to get new cables made, here is what Ben J. did to get his choke working again.

Ben J. says:

My solution to the common broken choke cable, Holds in place and remains flexible and easy to do just 1/4 in fuel line and two clamps!

Thanks Ben J.!

Here you can see the finished product. He found some tube that was the right size, cut it lengthwise, used a couple hose clamps, and is back in business!

Here’s a view of the hose going on.

Here’s a photo of the break on Ben J.’s bike. Some people have the threaded plastic part broken instead of the interface between the cable and the threaded plastic part. This method might work for that as well.

You can go to this link on Facebook to see a video of the finished product on Ben J.’s bike.

Other folks have had some luck using epoxy, plastic weld, or JB weld to bond the plastic threaded part together if that’s where your break is.

We’re hoping to find a replacement cable vendor who can recreate this cable assembly in the next few years. When that happens, I’ll update this post with a link to that.

For reference, the part numbers that cover this cable are:

  • 17950-MR5-010ZA
  • 17950-MR5-870
  • 17950-MR5-870A
  • 17950-MR5-870B

You can find the part on the PC800 parts microfiche for more details here.