The Aghlabid pools at Kairouan are a series of massive pools once dotted the land immediately north of Kairouan. They were built by the Aghlabids to provide a stable year-round source of water to the city and a rich breeding ground for malarial mosquitoes. Now only a few of the structures remain and have been restored. Saltwater intrusion from the coast has reached the basins, filling them with brackish water.

The Tunisian national flag waving in the breeze atop the visitor center for the Aghlabid basins.

Anne rides a cannon.

A portico at the Mosque of the Barber.

The tomb of the Prophet Mohammed’s barber. Here supposedly rests the man who kept three hairs from Mohammed’s beard with him throughout his life. In general, tourists are not allowed inside; only Tunisians and Muslims.

Laura explaining some aspects of the mosque complex to Jeff and Giovanna.

Intricate designs in the Mosque of the Barber.