On the way back from newberg, i did some driveby photography. HERE HERE HERE are the results.
movie night
yet again a wonderful movie night was had. we expanded tonight past the purely newberg set. dave, one of my buds from back in bio 103 and more recently, from my engineering classes, came, as did marie. the regulars (andrew, amanda, anne) were also inattendance. Sean and Rick, the ever present roommates, also popped in and out.
on the movie menu there was Percilla- Queen of the Desert, followed by some robot photage for dave and myself’s entertainment. marie showed up at about that point just in time to see Memento. the correct version of memento. the backwards version.
following that, Dave bowed out (right at midnight). something about sleep. following that, we watched random things on my hard drive. somewhere around 1, marie left the party. then came several episodes of michale moore’s “The Aweful Truth”. actually six episodes, but only the funny parts. once that was over, we got some crab people action in via southpark’s latest episode. finally, everyone left the ‘plex at around 230am. good times. good times…
for all you kidZ (spelled with a z intentionally to emphisize coolness) that didn’t attend this week’s friday night movie night, i shall have to call you all SINNERS much in the style of michale moore’s witch hunt in DC a few years back.
once again, amanda, andrew, and anne bitched about brazil. these people just don’t know whats good!!! one of these days they’ll see the light… one of these days…
In other news, i’m headed to newberg for a few hours tomorrow. i’ll leave here between 9 and 10am and come back down south somewhere around 3pm. give me a call if you want to go in either direction and i’ll see what i can do.
it’s time for bed and such as its like 230am. i gots to have my beauty sleep!
Memo from god: DIE!
Jesus actor struck by lightning
Actor Jim Caviezel has been struck by lightning while playing Jesus in Mel Gibson’s controversial film The Passion Of Christ. The lightning bolt hit Caviezel and the film’s assistant director Jan Michelini while they were filming in a remote location a few hours from Rome.
It was the second time Michelini had been hit by lightning during the shoot….
To read the full BBC article, go HERE HERE HERE.
Reading this, i think to myself “maybe someone is trying to tell these guys that making this movie is a bad idea?” Afterall, it is about the last 12 hours of jesus. One would think that Mel Gibson, the dude heading this whole crazy film project up, would get the clue that maybe the big guy isn’t so hot on his interpritation of the whole jesus death thing. Funny. so funny. go READ!