I FINALLY finished typing up the journals of my trek across the sierras this summer. It only took me about a month and a half to get done, but i did it! go HERE HERE HERE HERE to see the thing in it’s full glory. There might be one or two more additions in the next day or two as i finish the last two panorama shots, but other than that, it’s done! yay!
friday night movie night
And yet again we had a wonderful movie night at the ‘plex. andrew came over right after the bike ride & he and i had some spectacular food (prepaired by myself, of course). We started with some apple slices followed by sliced carrots then a light salad. for the main course we had steak (cooked well, no blood nessissary) and some whole wheat spagetti w/ sauce. Andrew really dug the spagetti as did i and sean (room mate). At about 9pm, kristen and brandon appeared out of the night. snacking food for movie watching consisted of peanuts, rasins, and chocolate chips.
tonight’s entertainment selection started with apocalyptica’s live aus munchen show during dinner followed by a couple episodes of futurama season II. In between futurama and the feature presentations (not to be seen until kristen and brandon arrived), we watched a few apocalyptica music videos. Upon the arrival of the red mustang from eugene, Johnny English was watched. I was highly entertained as were all of the ‘plex party guests. A brief intermission was had while we decided the second movie to watch. THe choice was between Blade Runner and Army of Darkness. We chose Blade Runner to further andrew’s education in fine cinema. Thankfully, andrew liked blade runner (unlike brazil). everyone finally pulled out of the ‘plex at about 2am. I have a feeling that this might become a regular friday night occurance!
Tomorrow, andrew and i are going to do a bit of a hike out in mac forest. I will be sure to bring the digicam & get some fall color pictures. Too bad i just have this point and shoot 3 megapixle kodak cam & not my mom’s fancy pants olympus hard c0re digital god camera but thats okay, i’ll still get good shots. i love fall so much! too bad its so fleeting. Here today, gone the next rain storm.
This is Chris. He’s an RA in Mc Nary. He’s 20 years old. Can anyone think of a good reason for him to be carying a box of busch?