fall UCH bbq

here’s a real HOT picture of me working the grills at the UHC fall bbq. i appear to have been in the process of striking an uuber cool pose but as you can see i was caught mid strike. two massive grills, three spatulas, and 500 hamburgers/gardenburgers later, my hair was so full of grease that i could have fed a family of racoons for a month!

The ‘Plex

I put pictures up of the ‘Plex. A true experiment in engineer living! Anyway some picts are posted. i just did quick shoots today when my mom and i were down dropping stuff off. once i have moved in fully, i’ll take more pictures ect. Maybe a virtual tour is in the offing?

go HERE HERE to see the pictures.

The hay expedition

Go HERE!!! to see today’s adventure. The first four picts are from yesterday but the other 30 or so are from today. We went to Prineville (near and dear to the hearts of many of us) to get four or four and half tons of hay. Of course, our japanese guests tagged along. And what do you think happend? They got put to work!

On a side note, we ran into three australian guys who’s van had broken down at the museum on the warm springs reservation. we tried giving them a jump but their starter motor was dead dead dead. doornail dead. we gave the one bloke a lift to a gas station so he could get a tow truck. Hope they do okay. They’re on one year round the world trip. Two weeks ago they finished their electrician training in austrailia and hopped on an airplane for sanfransisco. once in sanfran they bought a mini van (mid 90’s GM) and headed north. They plan to spend 3-6 months driving across america then about the same in europe before going back to austrailia to start their professional lives. Real great blokes.

Here’s a picture of Mount Hood that i took this evening. Just a teaser of what can be seen…