Japanese Cowboys!

We have a couple of Japanese men staying at our house right now. They’re in charge of the sister school exchange thats going on with my old middle school. One of them likes farming. The other likes watching farming. THe man wearing the cowboy hat would rather be an armchair farmer. go HERE HERE to see the hilarity.

My old workplace.

I just posted pictures of where i interned the last two summers. you can see them HERE. It was a good summer job. I’m going to miss working with all those people. I got some lovely parting gifts though including some nice bushnell binoculars among other things. I also went dumpster diving a few times. Many good things were gotten there!

Pharm Photos

Some people have been bugging me for a few shots of the fields and pastures that make up my parents farm. So HERE THEY ARE.

The sky was pretty grey but bright so it doesnt provide for much depth of color or for that matter sky. blech to these bizare gray and hot days.