Pharm Photos

Some people have been bugging me for a few shots of the fields and pastures that make up my parents farm. So HERE THEY ARE.

The sky was pretty grey but bright so it doesnt provide for much depth of color or for that matter sky. blech to these bizare gray and hot days.

New Llama Pictures

Okay i slapped some picts up of the new baby llama. He’s soooo cute!

Sorry about the poor quality but its a cloudy day and the grass is faded out. such is often common at the end of summer in oregon.

New baby llama!

We just had a new baby llama born today! (hmm that was a little redundant… new, baby, born today..)

The babe is super cute. Pictures shall be posted shortly.

Today was also my last day of work at Planar Systems. I’ll put some pictures up of where i worked and some of the people for all to see.