Mc Alexander Field House Rock Gym

Evan and I went climbing last night for a little while.  Geoff caught wind of the new rock wall and wanted photos.  This these two poorly lit pictures from inside the newly remodeled Mc Alexander Field House.

This new rock wall is excellent.  The back side is one big bouldering area.  The installation of this rock wall doubled the number of people who can be simultaneously climbing at OSU.

SRFFK – Package Checkout Edition

Yesterday Jacob and I went on a Slow Run For Fat Kids around the 53rd/Campus Way loop from his house.  Our total distance was about 5.5 miles.  Coming back along Campus Way we passed a running class going in the other direction.  One of the women checked out our packages with a sheepish grin on her face just as she passed us.  We both felt flattered, ran faster, and held our heads higher on the way back to his house after that.

Our Route Map

Morning slow run

This morning I went on a short 4 1/4 mile run around Corvallis.  According to some random calorie calculator on the intarwebs, I burned about 670 calories.  Slowly but surely I’m getting down to my obscene bikini weight.

My Route Map