Motorcycle Rides Recently

 Over the last month I have been riding my motorcycles infrequently due to my busy schedule and impending Ph.D defense.  Here are a few photos of me out and about.

I finished fixing the XL500S last month.  The bike works great and has zero leaks now.  This is me out on an epic, rainy ride.





Out on the XS850SG.

Building a Turn Signal Flasher Unit

 Last night I built a circuit using a 555 timer chip, a transistor, and a Hitachi connector that should be a drop-in replacement for the flasher relay on my 1989 Honda Pacific Coast.  While working to convert my bike over to full LED bulbs, I damaged the OEM flasher unit and the self-canceling turn signal controller.  None of the electronic flashers I was able to source locally would work as a drop-in replacement because they still require a higher load than the LED bulbs in the turn signal system on the bike would provide.  Thus I did a quick search on the internet and found this Intructable for building a replacement flasher.  After a quick trip to the Digi-Key website, I had the electronics ordered.  For the Hitachi connector I used Electrical Connection.  Be sure to buy the crimping tool when you buy the connectors.  It is well worth the money.

The end result works as expected on my workbench.  When the rains finally let up here and I can uncover my motorcycles without fear of being drowned, I will test the circuit out on the PC800.  The next step in the project is to get a few diodes and a relay, and bypass the self-cancel control unit that I burned out.  A future iteration of the project will replace that control unit with a home-brewed control module that I am working on with my buddy Brent.

This is the scratch paper I used to make sure I was laying out my circuits correctly and to verify pinouts of various components.  Be sure to check all of the data sheets yourself before trusting my scribbles.  Be extra sure to verify the pinout on the Hitachi connector before you plug this into your motorcycle.  I’m not responsible for any damages that may result if you try this at home!

Three Photo Tags in One Day

I went out getting photo tags on my XS850 today.  This is at Ankeny Hill Winery.  This photo tag was open for a LOOOONG time on PNWRider.

I set the new tag here.  Hopefully whomever goes and claims this tag will invite me along for the ride.  The bar was closed when I visited.

 Drew put the tag here.  His bike was actually IN the water.  I didn’t want to get my feet wet.


 There was another photo tag here.

 I put the new photo tag at another school.

 This one might take people a while to find.

I thought about tagging this place but it is a bit too obscure.  Maybe if more people start participating I will use this in the future.