Photo Tag in Toledo

 Today I went in hunt of a photo tag in Toledo.  I took a detour through Newport and took this photo near Nye Beach.

 This is where the old photo tag was located.  It was at the Toledo water treatment plant.

 I put the new photo tag near Corvallis.

Nighttime Photo Tag with Drew

Last night Drew and I went on the hunt for some photo tags in the PNWRider Corvallis/Albany forum.  We found one at the LBCC Benton Center campus.

 We left the tag somewhere new and interesting.

On the way back from our ride, we stopped off on the OSU campus to take a photo of the library.  Thanks for the photos, Drew!

Engine Removed from my 1979 Honda XL500S

Last night I removed the engine from my 1979 Honda XL500S.  It recently developed multiple oil leaks from a variety of gaskets.  From what I could tell, the engine has never been fully serviced throughout its 7000 miles of run time over the last 33 years.  Considering nothing was ever done to the engine, it is remarkably clean.  I expect this job to only require gasket replacement and no other work.  Hopefully I can have the engine back into my bike by Sunday in time for a ride with Drew.