Long ride while sick on the PC800

This morning when I woke up I was pretty sick. After a few sudafeds I didn’t feel any better. I couldn’t clear my ears and was feeling pretty rotten. Today I was supposed to drive up to Washington to go diving for the weekend. Not wanting to get everyone sick, I stayed in Corvallis. In the afternoon I was still feeling yucky but I decided it was time to get out and do something. In retrospect it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do but I jumped on the PC800 and took off to points unknown.

The total ride was about 130 miles. I got gas in Junction City. The bike took 2.88 gallons. The last fill-up was 112.8 miles before. That would give me 39.1 mpg. However, I lost a fair amount of gas to the maintenance I performed over the last month.

My Route Map

Rebirth of the PC800

Today I put the Honda Pacific Coast most of the way back together.  A few pieces of plastic are waiting until a small and important hose comes in the mail.  Until then I’ve kluged something together that requires some bits of plastic to stay removed.

So far after the Great Shim Debacle of 2009, it seems that my bike runs okay.  There aren’t any strange noises and the bike performs the same as before.  Perhaps I won the lottery on this one.  Either way, I plan to carry the extra shim on the bike at all times in case it suddenly becomes necessary.

Total ride was about 25 miles.  It was just enough to get the bike warm and exercise it a bit.

My Route Map