This afternoon I took the PC800 out for a quick romp through Kings Valley via Airlie. On the way there I filled up with gas. It took 2.77 gallons of gas. The last tank lasted 129.5 miles giving me a fuel economy of 46.75. Not too bad considering I was having a lot of fun on the throttle all of those miles. Tonight’s ride was about 46 miles total.
Gravel roads on the PC800
This afternoon I went on a quick 50 mile jaunt over some of my favorite close back roads. To get between two of the roads I took about a 4 mile stretch of gravel, compacted mud, and dirt. The bike was a little squirrely in the front end but did fine overall. It’s pretty fun having mud streaks down the side of a street bike!
Long ride while sick on the PC800
This morning when I woke up I was pretty sick. After a few sudafeds I didn’t feel any better. I couldn’t clear my ears and was feeling pretty rotten. Today I was supposed to drive up to Washington to go diving for the weekend. Not wanting to get everyone sick, I stayed in Corvallis. In the afternoon I was still feeling yucky but I decided it was time to get out and do something. In retrospect it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do but I jumped on the PC800 and took off to points unknown.
The total ride was about 130 miles. I got gas in Junction City. The bike took 2.88 gallons. The last fill-up was 112.8 miles before. That would give me 39.1 mpg. However, I lost a fair amount of gas to the maintenance I performed over the last month.