Highway 180 ride with Carl

Yesterday afternoon Carl and I went on a quick 66 mile ride out along Highway 180 and back.  The road wasn’t in the best shape but it was still a lot of fun.

I got gas at 113.3 miles.  2.529 gallons taken.  That gives me about 44.8 gallons per mile.  Methinks I’ve been a little lead-footed lately on the bike.

Our Route Map

Alsea Falls Loop

I went on a quick ride around the Alsea Falls loop this morning.  Total distance was about 64 miles.  It got pretty scary at one point when I pulled into an access road, found a gate, and discovered my bike was pointed on a steep decline toward the gate.  It took all my strength to slowly inch my way back up the hill enough to get the bike turned around.  Were my legs not stronger from years of cycling, I would have had to dump the bike and wait for someone to help me get it up and turned around.  Not a pretty prospect when in the middle of nowhere!  The entire time I was up there I only saw one other car.

In the future I will pay more attention to where I am stopping so I can make sure to always either be on flat ground or else be able to pull around in a circle under power.

My Route Map

Quick evening ride around Kings Valley and Lewisburg Saddle

This evening I took the motorcycle out for a quick blast around Lewisburg Saddle and Kings Valley.  It was nice to be out and riding.  I scraped my pegs a couple of times on some tight corners at high speeds. 🙂

Total distance: about 50 miles.

Also should note I put my ADV sticker on the back of my motorcycle 🙂

Gas purchase: 2.08 gallons @93.4 miles for 44.9 mpg (probably low because of going up Mary’s Peak and carrying Emily as a passenger).

My Route Map