Fall Colors on Campus and Driving West of Corvallis

Yesterday Samantha and I went on a lovely drive through the hills west of Corvallis.  We passed through Kings Valley among other cute little towns.  The trees were especially brilliant as the sun set in the west.



This power poll looked a little funny as we approached it. Upon closer inspection, we found that it was broken in half. The local power company had decided to fix it by bolting another pole onto the side of the first pole. It might not be the best fix in the world, but the poll seemed to be holding up well!


This afternoon, we went for a little stroll around campus to enjoy the warm afternoon sun and the beautiful foliage on the university trees.






updates to the site and the life

Well I added Google Adsense to my site. We’ll see how that goes RE: do I make any money.

I’m no longer in Tunisia. I posted my last photos from Tunisia at this page and more specifically, this page contains the newest content. In a few days I might see about adding some selected journal entries from Tunisia to the site.

Watch this space in the near future for some more activity and changes.


Well i finally was able to get a connection to the internet that i could upload pictures over. Check out everything right HERE. i won’t probably do any more updates to the front page for a while, so just go directly to that page for all the new stuff. no promises on when i can add new things though.