Pho and Gunpowder Tea


The other day I worked over Brady’s paper at the Beanery on Monroe.  A cup of gunpowder tea kept me company.



Lately I’ve been eating a lot of Pho with Jesi at Lemongrass Noodles.  Yum!

Beavers Baseball Versus The Ducks



Yesterday I went to the OSU vs UO baseball game.  Somehow I managed to get Section A seats just off the 1st base line.



Multiple balls narrowly missed my seat.



The first three innings sealed the fate of the Beavers.



The Ducks coach is a shrimp!




At the end everyone shook hands and went their way.



The final score wasn’t pretty.  7 to 2.  Ducks win.  I’m sure some people who might look at this will be happy with that outcome though.


Evening Clouds at Phi Delta Theta

Here is a short time-lapse looking out my bedroom window at Phi Delta Theta toward Impulse and the west.  The camera ran out of batteries about 2/3 of the way through the shoot.  Hopefully soon I will procure a plug-in power supply for my camera to enable more effective time-lapse photography.

Interestingly, I’ve discovered that my camera is limited to 100 exposures on the intervalometer setting.  To get around that, I would have to have the camera tethered to a laptop and hope that the laptop and camera remain in communication for however long I choose to shoot.  Oh, also the computer has to be running Windows XP as the software never was updated by Canon to run on Windows 7.  Someday I’ll get a newer camera… Maybe when this camera turns 10 years old.