A Walk on the Farm

While I was visiting my parents, I took a walk through the woods and fields on the farm.  I really miss this place.  Someday I would like to move back.

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The farm where I grew up.

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The bridge over the creek.

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Bald Hill Evening Walk


Heather and I went on a walk up Bald Hill this evening.  The sun was shining, it was the perfect temperature for a walk, the grass was green, and the trees were just leafing out.  Perfection!


The old Bald Hill Farm.  The Greenbelt Land Trust is trying to buy the property so that it does not get developed.  This is a double-edged sword.  While it is good for the town to have a greenbelt, it is also bad for the town in that the greenbelt almost completely encircles Corvallis, effectively limiting all future growth and expansion.  At least current home owners know that their property values will always increase?

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Many flowers were blooming along the trail through the wet meadows and fields owned by the farm.

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Heather enjoyed a bench while I took photos of flowers.

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On top of Bald Hill looking toward Marys Peak.  Not a cloud in the sky today!


On top of Bald Hill.


Looking out toward Corvallis.


These are special trees.  I have never seen larger madrones anywhere.  The trunks of this cluster of madrone trees each span 5-8 feet making them some of the largest on the west coast.


They reach toward the sky in the midst of a grove of relatively young douglas fir trees.


Heather standing next to one of the smaller trees for size comparison.


The old barn on the north shoulder of Bald Hill.


Such a great grass field to roll around in!


The sun has set.

IMG_6724Heather looking out toward Corvallis and the nearly full moon.

IMG_6734The full moon and Corvallis behind us.

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Goodnight Wednesday!

Nature walk with Heather and my mom at the ranch

IMG_6619Heather and I joined my mom for a hike on the trails at my parents’ ranch.  The woods were all abloom with wildflowers.

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The creek that runs through one part of the property.

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Spring has sprung in the forest.

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An old stand of vine maple.  The leaves were incredibly soft.

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It felt like we were walking through a jungle.

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IMG_6653 IMG_6654Heather found a little newt out on the back part of the property.

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Goddard said hello from the pasture.  We searched for morel mushrooms and found a few.

Some of the ladies came by to say hello as well.

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