Day Hike to Duffy Lake

My parents, Brent, Jesi, Heather, and I went on a day hike with a few llamas to Duffy Lake.




 Llamas waiting to go out on the meadow for a lunchtime snack.





 Brent and my dad.

 Duffy Butte in the background.


Duffy Butte with Duffy Lake in the foreground.  A big fire came through the area a number of years ago and killed many of the trees on the butte.

 Jesi setting up a group shot

 Three Fingered Jack at the head end of the Eight Lakes Basin.




The Territory Akubra hat that I purchased at MANSWORLD in Mount Isa for the Mount Isa Rodeo made another appearance on this trip.  Heather found it somewhat difficult to get close to me with my rather large beard and very large hat.


 Loading up the llamas to head back to the truck.


Brent made a friend.