Coasting Along the Pacific Coast

Just coasting along on the Pacific Coast riding my Honda PC800 Pacific Coast in pearl white!

After a wonderful weekend in British Columbia and passing over the ferry to Port Townsend, I followed the Pacific Coast Highway south toward Oregon.  Somewhere near Ruby Beach along the Olympic National Park’s bit of Washington’s coastline, I pulled over to grab a couple of photos.  Along the ways, I passed two red PC800s with Rifle windshields heading north.  I still haven’t figured out who those guys were but there’s a good chance I’ve met them before.

Down in Oregon, I took US 26 back toward Portland in the evening when I ran into a horrible 20 mile long traffic jam that took several hours to slowly navigate.  Other than being the end of a holiday weekend, there was no reason for bad traffic at 10pm.  Riding through Forest Grove, I had ash falling on me from the big fires ravaging the Columbia Gorge to the east.  It was a surreal welcome back to Oregon.

The Port Townsend-Coupeville Ferry with a Motorcycle

On my way back from beautiful British Columbia, I decided to take the Pacific Coast Highway US 101 south along the Washington Coast.  Since I was riding my Honda Pacific Coast motorcycle, I figured it was the right thing to do.  Plus this way I’d miss Seattle and Portland traffic.  I decided to take the ferry to Port Townsend and hop on the Pacific Coast Highway there.  It’s really neat that motorcycles get their own special location at the front of the ferry.  There were a couple other motorcycles with me on the boat.

Looking out the front of the boat with our motorcycles in the shadow.

Crossing the water.

Port Townsend in view!  After this ferry, I hopped on the Pacific Coast Highway and headed south.

Visiting Motorcycle Friends in Coquitlam

Some wonderful Honda Pacific Coast friends who I made way back in 2010 when I caught up with the last part of the POPCORN Ride.  I think we bumped into each other again at the RAMROD Ride.  One way or the other, we’ve known each other for a number of years due to our shared love of the PC800 and when I posted on the NW Upcoast forum that I was heading to BC for a few days, they graciously offered to let me stay with them in Coquitlam just to the east of Vancouver.

After spending  a great night in a real bed, I headed out again on my trusty PC800 and pointed its nose to the south, and back to the United States of America.