There were lots of cute seals on the rocks in the harbor this morning at low tide.Look at all these little cuties!You would never guess there are rocks for them to lay out on when the tide is high.A cormorant on the rocks at the breakwater waking up.A night heron in the marina.Seagull getting a meal off the rocks. At the Hopkins beach on the aquarium side. Lots of seals here. Usually they don’t haul out on this one but with pupping season underway, here they are!At the main seal beach. Lots of new little seal loafs.Look at all the cuties!Cute seals everywhere!On the far area of the seal beach.*boop*The seal pups are already little fatties!So many cuties!“Mom, can I have a drink of milk please?”So snuggly!The baby was born yesterday and still has some of its umbilical cord attached.SCUBA divers headed out at Breakwater.Some SCUBA divers walking in.A group of snorkelers heading out.Divers walking into the water.
We watched a baby elephant seal be rescued by the marine mammal rescue center folks this evening at Breakwater. He was pretty skinny and was lethargic on the beach.
In you go to the crate, little dude!
Ready for transport to an all-inclusive resort spar where he’ll get loads of yummy fish and squid!
Hauling him up to the truck.
Pretty night heron sitting on the jetty.
A little regatta was underway in the bay.
A shorebird looking for snacks among the muscles.
We keep seeing this guy. He was out hunting for muscles he could pry open to eat.
His legs were hard to get not blown out by the lighting. Oh well. Can’t get every shot to work out.
Some sea lions heading out to play.
It’s always the females that we see herding together.
Our little orange billed seabird friend with his head underwater.