I went to the touristic Point Mugu Missile Park just off Highway 1 on my way back to my hotel after some work site visits. It’s an interesting place with some really cool old rockets and jets. I always do love a touristic rocket park.

The personal and professional website of Douglas Van Bossuyt
I went to the touristic Point Mugu Missile Park just off Highway 1 on my way back to my hotel after some work site visits. It’s an interesting place with some really cool old rockets and jets. I always do love a touristic rocket park.
I had some work near Port Hueneme so I stopped off at the Port Hueneme Beach for some lunch and found the Alaska Airlines Flight 261 memorial. It turns out that I was there on the anniversary of the crash. Family members of the victims were setting up for a memorial service.
The hotel I was put up in by work was a crazy palatial place. It just reopened after a lengthy remodel which must be why it was cheap.
Poofy and Oliver continued their hijinks in January. Poofy has really come to love catnip but does not love going to the vet. Sunny’s painting that Heather made several years ago watches over the other cats. Oliver continues to want to be best friends with Poofy but Poofy continues to not want to be acquaintances. We’ve been letting Poofy outside more to walk around in our downstairs garden area.