William F. Cody’s Grave and the View from the Buffalo Bill Museum Overlook

IMG_1088Up on top of Lookout Mountain we found a nice overlook at the Buffalo Bill Museum.  Below us was Golden with North Table Mountain to the left and South Table Mountain to the right.  Denver was lost in the haze in the distance.

The Colorado School of Mines campus and Coors Brewing.  The mostly gray building in the middle-right portion of the picture is where I will be spending much of my time.

William F. Cody, better known as Buffalo Bill, is buried here deep in the bedrock.  Evidently Cody, Wyoming tried to steal his body once.


Clear Creek Canyon Overlook


After a full day of orientation at the Colorado School of Mines for my new position as an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Heather and I went on a drive around the general Golden area.  We drove up Lookout Mountain Road and stopped off at the Clear Creek Canyon overlook in Windy Saddle Park.  The above photo looks out to the west into Clear Creek Canyon.



Looking east toward Golden (in the little valley below) and Denver far off in the distance.



Looking up the road toward the top of the mountain.