After hearing about Rocky Mountain National Park and the Grand Lake area, Heather and I decided that we needed to go check it out. We loaded up the 4runner and headed north to the entrance to the park. We decided to take the Old Fall River Road heading west. This road was built by prisoners over several years. It’s a really nice, smooth dirt road.
Heading up the switchbacks. There were many people on this road who don’t know how to drive when there aren’t lines painted on the ground.

Avalanche track in the summer.

Neat rock formations looming over the road.

Big mountains all around.

I love taking the top off of my truck! It’s even better without the doors.

A marmot hanging out by the road!

Lush and green up here.
Not even close to a real shelf road but it is enough to make most drivers nervous.
Almost above tree line.
On top of the world.
Gorgeous high altitude alpine valleys.

Heather freezing in the cold mountain wind.
A pretty meadow full of flowers.

Heading over the top of the Continental Divide!