Heather and I followed Travis and his wife up Geneva Creek for an after-party run after the Minis Only Rising Sun 4×4 Club run earlier in the day.

Lots of great views heading up the road.

What a magical basin!

Travis leading the charge up to an old mine site.

A great Tacoma and 4runner up at the top at an old mine site.

My trusty steed.

Looking down at the way we had come. It’s amazing how high up people mined back when everything came in and out via mule teams and wagons.

Travis heading down.

My 4runner looking great at the first switchback below the old mine.

It’s crazy where the old roads to the mines go.

Up at a big abandoned mine complex. An old truck was left behind when the mines shut down. Not much of it left now.

Our trucks are in much better condition.

Old tailings and mine entrances.

An old shack next to one of the main mine adits.

Up higher there were probably more mines.

This poor old truck.
Someone decided to use it for target practice.

An old miner’s cabin rotting away into nothing.

Heather smiling from behind our truck.

Looking up to another tailing pile at another high mine.

Travis heading back down.

Cool rocks near the bottom of the road. What a great drive up Geneva Creek!