Yankee Hill Looking at St. Mary’s Glacier

20150822_153916_Richtone(HDR)After the Rising Sun 4×4 Rally down in Golden, I took my 4runner up to Central City and went over the top of Yankee Hill down to St. Mary’s Glacier and Alice.  Several times before I’ve tried to get over the top only to be blocked by snow.  This time the roads were good and the driving was easy.  I continue to remain extremely impressed with the performance of my plucky little 4runner.


Rising Sun 4×4 Rally


It was a great day out at the annual Rising Sun 4×4 Club Rally today.  Everyone brought their cool rigs and a bunch of goodies to sell at the swap meet.


A guy bought this truck last week and was trying to sell it this week.  I think he’s a picker?  Nice truck.

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Land Cruiser city and with a few 4runners and tacos mixed in.


Beautiful old wagon.


Great lineup.

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The Slee Offroad truck.

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My truck was by far the smallest and least modified.  That will change soon 😉


Maple Syrup from Canada


Last spring I was contacted by a company in Canada that wanted to use a photo of a culvert with a bunch of flood water running through it that I had taken in Corvallis a few years ago.  They asked me how much I wanted for permission to let them use the photo in some of their PR.  Rather than money, I asked for a case of pure 100% maple syrup.  Best. Decision. Ever.


Some syrup on the pancakes.  Yum!


Nikos and Neal joined us for pancakes.

20150811_064147Check out that great syrup!