The Super Moon on Yankee Hill

For the big super moon, we headed up Yankee Hill with some friends from Rising Sun 4×4 Club.  The view from the top of Yankee Hill is wonderful.  The lights in the distance are Denver.

A few of the rigs that came along for the ride.  Some big mountains loom off in the distance.

There’s that supermoon starting to rise!

It was a big, full moon.

All of the rigs lined up in the night with the big moon rising.

Looking at the contiental divide off to the west.

Heather freezing in the cold wind with the supermoon rising and our truck, the Albino Rhino.

Looking down onto Denver from the cab of the Albino Rhino.

Taking photos of the supermoon.

The wide view of the top of the world

When I turn on all of the lights on my truck, I light up the night!

And for those who want to ride along, here’s a video of the night.


A Colorado Corn Maze

Our third date was meant to be a trip to a corn maze outside of Corvallis but bad weather dictated that we do something different.  Five years later, we FINALLY had our third date at the corn maze on the Chatfield Farms land maintained by the Denver Botanical Gardens.

We ended up walking through just about every part of the maze over the course of a couple hours.  It really was a lot of fun.