There was an adorable beach across the street from where we stayed the night in our campervan.
There’s our campervan! Waiting patiently while we explore.
Kristen climbing over rocks.

Our bounty of shells.
The personal and professional website of Douglas Van Bossuyt
As the sun sank low in the west, our intrepid campervan puttered along the roads of New Zealand in search of a campervan park.
We found a cozy little campervan park near Parakerake Bay and settled in for the night.
A dinner of bell peppers, onions, and other yummy things.
Meat waiting its turn while Kristen catches up on some jetlag.
A boat on land! I think it holds a restaurant.
The old settlement of Kerikeri. These are some of the oldest buildings in New Zealand.
The road was washed away recently. As of the last time I checked, Google still hasn’t updated their maps.
An old stone building once used as a store and trading post.
An old church.